Peer reviewed publications
[35] Magneville C., Claverie T., Villéger S. (2023) Remote video surveys unveil the diurnal variability of trophic‑based processes by fishes on coral reefs. Coral Reef
[34] Villéger S., Magneville C., Roncin F., Retailleau L., Claverie T. (2023) Behavior of reef fishes during a submarine magnitude 5 earthquake. Ecology e4148
[33] Simpfendorfer C. A., [..] Claverie T., [...], Chapman D. D. (2023) Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays. Science 380, 6650 : 1155-1160
[32] Vilcot M., Albouy C., Donati G., Claverie T., Julius P., Manel S., Pellissier L., Leprieur F. (2023) Spatial genetic differentiation correlates with species assemblage turnover across tropical reef fish lineages. Global Ecology and Biogeography
[31] Satterfield D., Claverie T., Wainwright P. (2022) Body shape and mode of propulsion do not constrain routine swimming in coral reef fishes. Functional Ecology
[30] Magneville C., Le Bricquir M. L., Daillanis T., Skouradakis G., Claverie T., Villéger S. (2022) Long-duration remote underwater videos reveal that grazing by fishes is highly variable through time and dominated by non-indigenous species. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
[29] Loiseau N., Villéger S., Le Bozec C., Gimenez M., Kawahara S. L., Claverie T. (2022) Mesophotic reefs are not refugia for neither taxonomic nor functional diversity of reef fishes. Coral Reefs
[28] Courteille M., Jeanson M., Collin A., James D., Claverie T., Charpentier M., Gairin E., Trouillefou M, Giraud-Renard E., Dolique F., Lecchini D. (2022) Characterisation of long-term evolution (1950–2016) and vulnerability of Mayotte’s shoreline using aerial photographs and a multidisciplinary vulnerability index. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55: 102537
[27] Magneville C., Loiseau N., Albouy C., Casajus N., Claverie T., Escalas A., Leprieur F., Maire E., Mouillot D., Villéger S. (2021) mFD: an R package to compute and illustrate the multiple facets of functional diversity. Ecography 44: 1–15
[26] Donati G.F.A., Zemp N., Manel S., Poirier M., Claverie T., Ferraton F., Gaboriau T., Govinden R., Hagen O., Ibrahim S., Mouillot D., Leblond J., Julius P., Velez L., Zareer I., Ziyad A., Leprieur F., Albouy C., Pellissier L. (2021) Species ecology explains the spatial components of genetic diversity in tropical reef fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 : 20211574
[25] Maslin M., Louis S., Godary Dejean K., Lapierre L., Villéger S., Claverie T. (2021) Underwater robots provide similar fish biodiversity assessments as divers on coral reefs. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 7:4 567-578
[24] Villon S., Iovan C., Mangeas M., Claverie T., Mouillot D., Villéger S., Vigliola L. (2021) Automatic underwater fish species classification with limited data using few-shot learning. Ecological Informatics 63: 101320
[23] Villon S., Mouillot D., Chaumont M., Subsol G., Claverie T., Villéger S. (2020) A new method to control error rates in automated species identification with deep learning algorithms. Scientific Reports 10:10972
[22] MacNeil M. A., […] Claverie T […] et al. (2020) Global Status and Conservation Potential of Tropical Reef Sharks. Nature 583: 801-806
[21] Chiarello M, Auguet JC, Graham NAJ, Claverie T, Sucré E, Bouvier C, Rieuvilleneuve F, Restrepo-Ortiz CX, Bettarel Y, Villéger S, Bouvier T (2020) Exceptional but vulnerable microbial diversity in coral reef animal surface microbiomes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
[20] Tribot AS, Deter J, Claverie T, Guilhaumon F, Villéger S, Mouquet N (2019) Species diversity and composition drive the aesthetic value of coral reef fish assemblages. Biol. Lett. 15: 20190703
[19] Villon S., Mouillot D., Chaumont M., Darling E.S., Subsol G., Claverie T., Villéger S. (2018) A Deep Learning algorithm for accurate and fast identification of coral reef fishes in underwater videos. Ecological Informatics 48:238-244
[18] Tribot AS, Carabeux Q, Deter J, Claverie T, Villéger S, Mouquet N (2018) Confronting species aesthetics with ecological functions in coral reef fish. Scientific reports 8:11733
[17] Chiarello M., Auget J.C., Bettarel Y., Bouvier C., Claverie T., Graham N.A.J., Rieuvilleneuve F., Sucré E., Bouvier T., Villéger S. (2018) Skin microbiome of coral reef fish is highly variable and driven by host phylogeny and diet. Microbiome 6:147
[16] Price S.A., Claverie T., Near T. J., Wainwright P. C. (2015) Phylogenetic insights into the history and diversification of fishes on reefs. Coral reefs 34, 4:997-1009
[15] Claverie T., Wainwright P.C. (2014) A Morphospace for Reef Fishes: Elongation is the Dominant Axis of Body Shape Evolution. Plos one 9, 11, e112732
[14] Anderson P.S.L., Claverie T., Patek S.N. (2014) Levers and linkages: Mechanical trade-offs in a power-amplified system. Evolution 68, 1919-1933
[13] Claverie T. & Patek S.N. (2013) Modularity and rates of evolutionary change in a power-amplified prey capture system. Evolution 67, 3191–3207
[12] Kamenos N., Hoey T., Nienow P., Fallick A., Claverie T. (2012) Reconstructing Greenland Ice Sheet runoff using coralline algae, Geophysical Research Letters 40, 1095-1098
[11] McHenry M.J., Claverie T., Rosario M.V. & Patek S.N. (2012) Gearing for speed slows the predatory strike of a mantis shrimp. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 1231-1245.
[10] Staaterman E.R., Clark C.W., Gallagher A.J., deVries M.S., Claverie T., Patek S.N. (2011) Rumbling in the benthos: the acoustic ecology of the California mantis shrimp and the presence of anthropogenic noise. Aquatic Biology 13, 97-105
[9] Claverie T., Chan E. & Patek S.N. (2010) Modularity and scaling in fast movements: power amplification in mantis shrimp, Evolution 65, 443-461
[8] Claverie T. & Smith I.P. (2010) Allometry and sexual dimorphism in the chela shape of the squat lobster, Munida rugosa, Aquatic Biology 8, 179-187
[7] Staaterman E.R., Claverie T. & Patek S.N. (2009) Disentangling defense: the function of spiny lobster sounds. Behaviour 147, 235-258
[6] Zack T.I., Claverie T. & Patek S.N. (2009) Elastic energy storage in the mantis shrimp’s fast predatory strike. Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 4002-4009
[5] Claverie T. & Smith I.P. (2009) Morphological maturity and allometric growth in the squat lobster Munida rugosa, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 89, 1189-1194
[4] Claverie T. & Kamenos N. (2008) Spawning aggregations and mass movements in subtidal Onchidoris bilamellata (Mollusca; Opisthobranchia), Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 88, 157-159
[3] Claverie T. & Smith I.P. (2007) Functional significance of an unusual chela dimorphism in a marine decapod: specialisation as a weapon?, Proceedings of the Royal Society B 274, 3033-3038
[2] Claverie T. & Smith I.P. (2007) A comparison of the effect of three common tagging methods on the survival of the galatheid Munida rugosa (Fabricius, 1775), Fisheries Research 86, 285-288.
[1] Bouma T.J., van Duren L.A., Temmerman S., Claverie T., Blanco-Garcia A., Ysebaert T., Herman P.M.J. (2007) Spatial flow and sedimentation patterns within patches of epibenthic structures: Combining field, flume and modelling experiments, Continental Shelf Research 27, 1020–1045.
Conference proceedings
[3] Louis, S., Lapierre, L., Onmek, Y., Godary Dejean, K., Claverie, T., Villéger, S. (2017) Quaternion based control for robotic observation of marine diversity, OCEANS
[2] Louis, S., Godary-Dejean, K., Lapierre, L., Claverie, T., Villéger, S. (2017) Formal Method for Mission Controller Generation of a Mobile Robot, TAROS, p.586-600
[1] Villon, S., Chaumont, M., Subsol, G., Villeger, S., Claverie, T., Mouillot, D. (2016) Coral reef fish detection and recognition in underwater videos by supervised machine learning : Comparison between Deep Learning and hog+svm methods, 17th ACIVS, Lecce, Italy
[1] Boudin E, Carcaillet F, Tribot A, Carabeux Q, Deter J, Claverie T, Villéger S and Mouquet N (2020) Coral Reef Fish: Not Just a Matter of Beauty!. Front. Young Minds. 8:13. doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.00013
[1] Roos D, Dupont P, Gaboriau M, Bigot L, Durville P, Mulochau T, Pinault M, Wickel J, Urbina-Barreto I, Mouquet P, Maurel L, Cantou M, Fallourd S, Guilbert A, Hoarau JM, Aumond Y, Huet J, Evano H, Sabathe Y, Giannasi P, Adami P, Mercky Y, Jac C, Sucre E, Pelletier D, Claverie T (2017). Projet EPICURE : Étude des Peuplements Ichtyologiques et des CommUnautés RécifalEs à partir d’indicateurs spatiaux et de l’approche fonctionnelle, des bancs du Geyser, de la Zélée et de l’Iris. Programme du Xème FED régional « Gestion durable du patrimoine naturel de Mayotte et des îles Eparses. Rapport de contrat no 15/1212185. RST/RBE‐DOI/2017‐07.
PhD thesis
Claverie T (2008) Cheliped morphology, behaviour and selective pressures in the squat lobster Munida rugosa (Fabricius, 1775) University Marine Biological Station Millport, London University