2023-Actual Associate professor at the University of Réunion & Researcher at the ENTROPIE laboratory

2013-2023 Associate professor at the "Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche" in Mayotte & Researcher at the MARBEC laboratory at the University of Montpellier

2012-2013 Postdoctoral Fellow: “Diversification of fish morphology” Advisor: Prof. Peter Wainwright, Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis (USA).

2008-2011 Postdoctoral Fellow. “Evolution of raptorial appendages in mantis shrimp (Crustacea).” Advisor: Dr. Sheila N. Patek, Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA) & Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley (USA).



2008 Ph. D. in Biology. University Marine Biological Station, Millport (United Kingdom). Advisor: Dr I. Philip Smith

2003 D.E.A. (Master's degree) in Biodiversity of fossils and actual ecosystems. University of Lille (France)

2002 Maîtrise (Bachelor's degree + 1) in Biology of populations and ecosystems, option marine biology. European Sea University Institute (IUEM) (Brest, France)

2001 Licence (Bachelor's degree) in Biology of Organisms. University of Brest (France)

2000 D.E.U.G. (Two Year Degree) in life sciences, biology and earth sciences. University of Bordeaux (France)



2019 DEAL, extention for MAPOR project, 12K€

2019-2021 CNRS & IRD, ALLIANCE project, 40K€ 

2018 FRB Master training fellowship, 3K€ 

2017-2021 Consortium îles Eparses, MAPOR project, 17.6K€

2014-2017 European Funds for Development (FED), EPICURE project co-leaded, 250 K€


[37] Satterfield D., Wainwright P., Claverie T. (2023) Body shape and mode of propulsion do not constrain routine swimming in reef fishes. SICB 2023 Austin TX, USA (presentation orale par tierce pers)


[36] Guillermin S., Golléty C., Claverie T., Corse E. (2022) Shell morphological variability of the species Littoraria subvittata (Gastropod) within its distribution in mangrove. YOUMARES13 conference, Berlin, Germany (presentation poster par tierce pers)


[35] Claverie T., Le Bozec C., Loiseau N., Gimenez M., Kawahara S. L., Villéger S. (2022) Mesophotic reefs host unique fish assemblages in Mozambican channel. 12th WIOMSA Symposium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (poster)


[34] Tribolet A., Guilhaumon F., Stoica G., Charpentier P., Urbina-Barreto I., Chauvin A., Bigot L., Claverie T., Gontharet S., Lelabousse C. (2022) A case study of the application of sustainability science for a better reef conservation, restoration and compensation (Mayotte, WIO). 12th WIOMSA Symposium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (presentation poster par tierce pers)


[33] Mori M., Longepee E., Lefer-Sauvage G., Jeanson M., Le Duff M., Banos A., Becu N., Provitolo D., Claverie T., Stoica G., Charpentier P. (2022) But before we talk about climate change: social representations and language of coastal inhabitants of Mayotte. 12th WIOMSA Symposium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (presentation orale par tierce pers)


[32] Urbina-Barreto I., Bigot L., Chauvin A., Bureau S. Claverie T., Lelabousse C., Tribollet A., Guilhaumon F. (2022) From natural to artificial reefs: using Sfm modeling to study coral community functioning and tune restoration solutions in Mayotte. 12th WIOMSA Symposium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (presentation orale par tierce pers)


[31] Jeanson M., Claverie T., Morisseau S., Charroux S., Aubry A. (2022) Suivi des impacts de la subsidence, et de la montée du niveau marin relatif, à Mayotte. Journée REFMAR 2022, Brest (présentation orale par tierce pers)


[30] Devillers R., ElMoussaoui L., Lebreton E., LeQuilleuc A., Aubry A., Claverie T., Collin A., Lubac Y., Schmitt T., Jasinski M. (2022) Improving Seafloor and Marine Habitat Mapping in Data Poor Regions using ICESat-2 Satellite-based LiDAR and Very-high Resolution Imagery Fusion. GeoHab, Venice, Italie (présentation orale par tierce pers)


[29] Claverie T, Chaumont M., Godary Dejean K., Hereau A., Lapierre L., Louis S., Maslin M., Mouillot D., Subsol G., Villéger S., Villon S. (2021) Coupling underwater autonomous vehicles and automatic video analysis for efficient monitoring of coral reef ecosystems: promises and challenges. ICRS, Bremen (presentation orale)

[28] Claverie T, Roos D, Sucré E (2019) What functional space to use to characterize species functions in ecosystems? 3rd Island Biology symposium, Saint Denis, La réunion (Talk)


[27] Roos D, Pelletier D, Gaboriau M, Dupont P, Sucré E, Claverie T (2019) Monitoring and assessing the fish stocks status using unbaited remote underwater rotating video: EPICURE project, a case of study for knowledge and ecosystemic management of Geyser and Iris coral banks, Mozambic channel.. 11th WIOMSA symposium, Mauritius (Collaborator talk)


[26] Jac C, Dupont P, Gaboriau M, Mercky Y, Pelletier D, Roos D, Sucré E, Claverie T (2019) Patch reef: a functional hotspot of tropical fishes. 11th WIOMSA symposium, Mauritius (Poster)


[25] Claverie T. (2018) Etude des communautés de poissons mahorais : quelle approche novatrice pour mesurer et modéliser l’évolution des écosystèmes tropicaux ? Mayotte (France) (Talk)


[24] Chiarello M., Auget J.C., Bouvier C. Claverie T., Graham N.A.J., Sucre E., Bettarel Y., Bouvier T., Villéger S. (2018) Unknown yet vulnerable : the surface microbiome of coral reef animals, 9th International Symbiosis Society Congress, Corvallis, OR, USA (Collaborator Talk)


[23] Villon S., Mouillot D., Chaumont M., Darling E.S., Subsol G., Claverie T., Villéger S. (2018) Automated identification of fishes in underwater images with deep learning algorithms , 4th WCMB, Montreal, Canada (Collaborator poster)


[22] Dupont P., Gaboriau M., Roos D., Sucré E., Claverie T. (2017) Fine scale habitat mapping: a path for biodiversity conservation, 10éme WIOMSA symposium, Dar es Salam, Tanzanie (Collaborator talk)


[21] Claverie, T., Ross, D., Sucré, E. (2017) “Biomechanical functional space”, a tool to characterize species functions in ecosystems, 10éme WIOMSA symposium, Dar es Salam, Tanzanie (Talk)


[20] Chiarello M., Auguet J.-C., Bouvier C., Claverie T., Sucré E., Bouvier B., Villéger S. (2017) Skin microbiome of coral reef fishes is diversified, species-specific and not phylogenetically conserved, 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Tahiti (Collaborator poster)


[19] Claverie, T. & Wainwright, P. C. (2015) Large scale study in reef fishes: Body elongation is the principal axis of shape evolution, 9éme WIOMSA symposium, Wild Coast Sun, Afrique du Sud (Poster)


[18] Claverie, T. & Wainwright, P. C. (2014) Diversité de formes du corps de 3000 espèces de poissons: évolution répétée d’élongation, 8éme SMEF à Dijon, France (Talk)


[17] Claverie, T. & Wainwright, P. C. (2013) Body shape diversity from 3000 fish species: repeated evolution of elongation, Evolution, Snowbird, UT, U.S.A. (Talk)


[16] Claverie, T. & Wainwright, P. C. (2013) Fractal radiation: repeated patterns of diversification along an axis of body elongation in fishes, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. (Talk)


[15] Kamenos, N.A. , Hoey, T.B., Bedford, J. , Claverie, T., Fallick, A., Lamb, C.M.A., Nienow, P. , O’Neill, S.R., Shepherd, I. & Thormar J. (2012) Abrupt Greenland Ice Sheet runoff and sea water temperature changes since 1821 recorded using coralline algae, 45th AGU meeting à San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. (Collaborator poster)


[14] Claverie, T. (2012) Evolution de structures biologiques produisant des mouvements extrêmement

rapides: modularité et morphologie fonctionnelle, 7th SMEF à Lyon, France (Talk)


[13] Claverie, T. (2011) Insight into the processes that drive the evolution of fast moving structures: modularity and functional morphology, 15th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseilles, France (Talk)


[12] Claverie, T. & Patek, S. N. (2011) Modularity and the evolution of fast predatory appendages in mantis shrimp. 2nd International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. (Talk)


[11] Claverie, T. & Patek, S. N. (2010) Built for speed: shape, modularity and scaling in the raptorial appendage of mantis shrimp, Society for Experimental Biology, Prague, Czech Republic (Talk)


[10] Claverie, T. & Patek, S. N. (2010) Shape, size and performance of a crustacean predatory appendage. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. (Talk)


[9] Claverie, T. (2009) Evolution of raptorial appendage morphology in mantis shrimp, Division of Vertebrate Morphology, Northeast Regional Meeting, Providence, MA, U.S.A. (Talk)


[8] Claverie, T. & Patek, S. N. (2009) Force transmission versus speed amplification in four bar linkage mechanism: counterintuitive results in the mantis shrimp strike, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston, MA, U.S.A. (Talk)


[7] Staaterman, E., Claverie, T. & Patek, S. N. (2009) Antipredator startle signal of the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus). Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston, MA, U.S.A. (Collaborator talk)


[6] Zack, T. I., Claverie, T. & Patek, S. N. (2009) Elastic energy storage and the mantis shrimps powerful predatory strike. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston, MA, U.S.A (Collaborator poster)


[5] Staaterman, E., Claverie, T. & Patek, S. N. (2008) Acoustic antipredator signals of the California spiny lobster. 2nd International Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. (Collaborator talk)


[4] Claverie, T. & Smith, I.P. (2007) Social interaction and decapod claw morphology: the case of the long-clawed squat lobster, Munida rugosa, 11th Congress of The European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, Sweden (Poster)


[3] Claverie, T. & Smith, I.P. (2006) Claw efficiency and behavioural interaction as key indicators to understand evolution of a dimorphism in Munida rugosa (Decapoda, Crustacea), 3rd European conference on Behavioural Biology, Belfast, United Kingdom (Talk)


[2] Claverie, T. & Smith, I.P. (2006) Do claw morphology and previous experience influence the outcome of agonistic interactions in the long-clawed squat lobster Munida rugosa?, 11th International Behavioural Ecology Congress, Tours, France (Poster)


[1] Claverie, T. & Smith, I.P. (2005) Cheliped morphology in the long-clawed squat lobster, Munida rugosa, 6th International Crustacean Congress, Glasgow, United Kingdom (Poster)


2023 – Frontier in Marine Science

2022 – Ecology

2021 – Plos One

2020 – Journal of Morphology

2019 – Journal of Morphology

2018 – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

2017 – American Naturalist

2016 – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

2014-2015 – Crustaceana, Ichthyological research, Journal of morphology

2013Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development

2012 – Ethology, Crustaceana, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Functional Ecology

2011 – Journal of Experimental Zoology, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

2010 Journal of Experimental Zoology, Aquatic Biology, Journal of Applied Ichthyology.

2009 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Fisheries Research.